September 29, 2020

MTT incorporates 168 standard Red buses into metropolitan public transport and launches new campaign for the correct use of the mask

MTT incorporates 168 standard Red buses into metropolitan public transport and launches new campaign for the correct use of the mask

With the new units, the presence of the Red fleet increases its presence in the commune of La Pintana, through routes 212 and 216. The headlines of the MTT and Mining, Gloria Hutt and Baldo Prokurica, presented the new signs arranged on the buses in order to disseminate self-care measures at the time of travel.

By installing new signs inside the metropolitan public transport buses and issuing a new version of the bip! card highlighting the importance of the correct use of the mask, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT) today launched a new information campaign aimed at promoting self-care during the pandemic by Covid-19.

nueva versión de la tarjeta bip! en la que se resalta la importancia del uso correcto de la mascarilla

Portfolio holder Gloria Hutt, along with Mining Minister Baldo Prokurica, stressed the relevance of the use of this personal protection element to prevent contagion.

“International traceability studies have concluded that public transport is not a place of increased risk of contagion. In fact, contagion levels have been shown to be limited due to measures such as using masks or washing hands or using alcohol gel before and after journeys. It is important that users do not cease these self-care measures that are key to preventing contagion”Minister Hutt emphasized.

The Secretary of State added that “this information campaign we are presenting today is accompanied by the issuance of a new bip! card which stresses the importance of respecting the measures provided by the health authority.”

Climate change makes mining take a key role, because electromobility is Chile: it's copper, lithium and cobalt

On the occasion, Minister Hutt also announced the incorporation of 168 standard Red buses into the system (50 electric and 118 Euro VI), which will increase its presence in La Pintana, through routes 212 and 216, which was highlighted in the instance by the mayor of that area, Claudia Pizarro.

For his part, Minister Baldo Prokurica stressed that Chile continues to grow in terms of electromobility and stated that “Climate change makes mining take a key role, because electromobility is Chile: it’s copper, lithium and cobalt. Here is a sample of what the Government of President Sebastián Piñera and the Minister of Transport has done, along with these elements provided by Chilean mining. For example, a normal, ordinary vehicle has 23 kilos of copper, while an electric vehicle has 83 kilos of copper. But it also contains lithium batteries that use elements that Chile has and is available to help combat climate change.”

Meanwhile, the Mayor of the Pintana, Claudia Pizarro, argued that “we have always asked for dignity for passengers, especially the most humble communes. Therefore, this renewal of routes 212 and 216 to Providence and Vitacura, for us is very important, because in these pandemic conditions, it improves the safety and safeguarding of health (of people).”

So far the fleet percentage with Red standard reaches 24.9% and, once this process is complete, will reach 32%.

“We move forward with the incorporation of Red fleet, which only brings improvements for users especially people from the most vulnerable communes and living in remoter areas such as La Pintana or Quilicura,”said Director of Metropolitan Public Transport Fernando Saka.

Mobility this morning

At the time, Minister Gloria Hutt delivered an account of this morning’s vehicle flows in Gran Santiago, an increase of 3.8% from last Tuesday. However, it is still 31% below a normal day last year.

In turn, travel times rose by 9.2% compared to last week. The areas where they increased the most were La Granja (27%), Puente Alto (19%) and Recoleta (18%).

As for the validations (travel) in the metropolitan public transport system, yesterday there was an increase of 11.6%, with a total of 1,895,796 transactions. However, compared to last year, demand is less than 66.6%.

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