It started the #viaje campaign with sound messages inside the buses

In 240 red buses a pilot of messages aimed at users will be implemented and where the importance of preventive measures such as the use of masks, hand washing and use of alcohol gel is highlighted. Users of routes 106, 108, 213e, 413c, 417e, 419, 423, 481 and 431c, may be part of this test. In addition, the measure involves the installation of information outside the buses, as well as new messages inside.
In order to strengthen self-care measures aimed at public transport users, the #ViajeSeguro red bus campaign was launched today, an initiative that is part of the National Mobility and City Plan.
The strategy involves three axes of action: social networks, interior/outdoor vehicle information, and sound messages inside STP operator’s Red buses.
In this way, for the first time in the public transport bus system, a pilot will be implemented to reproduce through the internal speakers of the buses a series of messages that highlight the importance of properly using the mask, constant hand washing and the use of alcohol gel, as preventive measures for the contagion of Covid-19.
In total there will be 9 routes that cross 17 areas, where this test will be carried out that will benefit 44 thousand people weekly. In this first stage, which will be subject to evaluation, 240 buses will participate, and may be extended in the future to more vehicles that meet the technical conditions of having internal speakers enabled in the corridors.
“Cerrillos, Central Station, La Florida, Las Condes, Lo Prado, Macul, Maipú, Auñoa, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Peñalolén, Providencia, Puente Alto, Quinta Normal, San Joaquín, San Miguel, Santiago and Vitacura, will be the areas where buses will circulate with the pilot”
Since the beginning of the pandemic, various actions have been taken to raise awareness, both users and drivers, of the importance of following the actions of the health authority.
This is why, by installing new signals inside metropolitan public transport buses, sound messages will be complemented. In addition, on the outside will be installed a “sanitized” stamp that will have a QR code that will allow the user to know data such as the type of cleaning product used and the application registration.
Along with these measures on buses, and in parallel, a social media campaign will be carried out through graphic parts that will recall the various protective measures that public transport users must have.
“The three modes that make up the metropolitan public transport system (buses, subway and MetroTren Nos) have within their action plans against the Covid-19 permanent sanitization of their fleet”
The campaign #ViajeSeguro comes to add to the measures that have been promoted since March 2020 and that include: mandatory use of mask for drivers and users, daily sanitization of buses and terminals, sanitization of whereabouts, bip! cards with messages invite you to follow self-care recommendations, and daily notifications for those users who use the Red Metropolitana de Movilidad APP.
At the end of 2020, 81,912 bus audits were counted, with 94.74% compliance, in addition to the daily sanitization of buses at all 71 terminals in the system.