bip! card Adulto Mayor

The bip! card Adulto Mayor can be obtained by all men and women over the age of 65. The cost of travel with this card is $350,a value that corresponds to 50% of the normal fare that is currently in effect. This fare applies to all public transport regardless of the number of combinations or modes used during the journey and will apply at all times (valley, low and tip). To make use of this benefit in the Public Transport System of Santiago you must obtain the bip! card. Older adult that can be withdrawn at all branches of Chile Atiene and Compensation Boxes.
In a first stage and for the duration of the pandemic, the bip! card application will be enabled. Older adult in using the unique key. For all purposes, this credential is personal and non-transferable.
You can learn more at
It is important that you consider this benefit to be exclusive to santiago’s Eldest Adult Metro fare.